Thursday, February 19, 2009

DUGES Rape Awareness Week 2009

Lisa-Marie Jonson works in video , performance, writing and in community art contexts she recently performed in holland, in the liverpool biennial and in cork at an bheal, her video work will be shown at The social forum brazil 09

The artist is influenced by her immediate environment such as 'home and the everyday'. Her subjects in her work are sometimes autobiographical. She is interested in the outsider and the vulnerability of human form, the vagueness of our existence within social terrains. Humor, play and remnants of Gothic and punk aesthetic. Lisa-Marie is a mother, artist and activist. She is interested in writers like Patti smith, Patrick Kavanagh, Pj harvy and Pj Brady, Lydia Lunch, Aine Philips, Arthur Rimbaud, Sylvia Plath, Sarah Kane, Pipi lotti Rist , Kim Gordan, Patrick Galvin, Dave Lordan and many more.. 

'Lying nakedly on four speeds, she stopped , she roared and she began again..'
lisa-marie 08

1 comment:

the man who fight with both hands said...

Mechanical Women: a must see film for women activists,and people working for Gender equality!

Motor mechanic Sandra Aguebor is teaching disadvantaged young women the skills of her trade - and the new women car mechanics are gaining the respect of the community. One elder in the community,King Bamidele Oladigbolu says 'Women mechanics in Nigeria - it amounts
to civilization!

Director: Sandra Mbanefo Obiago

click to watch free online: